Based on an alternate reality, the universe separates those realities protected by four powerful women known as Ethereals. A glitch occurred between what is real and what isn't in this reality. Bringing out something unknown to this world that transcends humanity...

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Who are "The Chosen Four"?

  • The Goddess of Victory: The one who eliminates all evil with her light. She can manipulate water to her abilities for it is pure... She will be portrayed by Jada Holloman (Leader).

  • Gatekeeper of the Nyx: The one who hears and understands the Nyx. She is the one who will break the code of what Nyx is. The Nyx is what led her to seek the others out... She's the most connected to the realm and the only one who can find out what happened during the Rebellion of Abaddon. She can use the Nyx as an echolocation weapon against her enemies. 

  • Commander of the World's Realms: The one who can requip into any world that she wants. She has absolute control over how she goes in the different realms and can adapt to her surroundings. 

  • Bringer of the Soul: The one who sees beyond the human eye. She sees the truth and possesses the power to look beyond her universe. She has inherited powers where she can spread paralysis throughout her victim's body. 

What are the realms in the Ethereal Universe?

Nyx (Nyxia): Is this dimension that only the Gatekeeper of the Nyx can understand. At first, when she accessed the dimension, the dimension only was colors and this ancient language. But when she started to delve into what she truly is capable of… that is when she could see the Nyx in its now damaged state. When the time is right, she and the rest of her sisters will be able to go through the portal of Nyx. Nyx’s former glory was a realm of all the worlds, basically like a throne room for the former owners. This throne was used to control and balance all of the alternate realities and keep them from emerging.

Lavender Dream: Is a place where we wake up when our reality becomes untamed. It’s a safe place for us to recharge if we need it. It is sort of like a spa but for the Ethereal girls.

Mirror Realm: Is a place where the mirrors see your other selves, it’s a meeting place to contact them in case they want to meet. It could also be used as a space to hold fashion shows. 

Diamond Realm: This is where all of the rarest stones are held. Unlike Earth Diamonds, these Diamonds can carry memories. Memories that have been stolen or simply forgotten. The chosen ones may use these diamonds to find any memories of how Nyxia (now Nyx) has been lost in time.

Onyxia (Underwater) Realm: This is where the blue diamond is hidden in plain sight, that is also where the mermaids and Silver Beings live. Every creature lives in harmony as that realm is unknown to danger.

Ultra - Galactic: Is a futuristic mall that is located in the realm of The Nyx. That is where all of the latest fashion, beauty, and technology are held. A paradise to all the shopper lovers.

Tears of Terror Realm: This is where the essence of the Bringer of the Souls all worked and eventually perished and no one knows why. Tears of Terror is this ultra-galactic place where all souls were once judged by seeing the truth as well as the truth in the world and eventually other worlds. It’s a place of judgment and where all truths are held in wording in the main library called “Fairy Law” or “Universal Law”.

What else part of the Ethereal Universe?

Metamorphix: Is when we and our other selves touch thus creating a glowing purple/pink/blue light. Metamorphix is what brings the Nyx into its original form. The Nyx was once a glorious place that has been abandoned since the beginning of time, now that it has been activated… It's all for the wrong reasons. Combining our “Dark” selves with us is like a universal language that opens up the official or original portal of the Nyx. Once we combine, the Nyx starts to take form in front of us and it opens up allowing us to go through and see the true Nyx that has been lost.

The Importance of the Blue Diamond: The Blue Diamond was stolen from the Nyx which caused it to shut down from its former glory. The Blue Diamond is what made the Nyx have a balance of good and provide for its former owners. Without the blue diamond, all that the Nyx was formerly known for will be lost in the abyss. [The Blue Diamond is hidden under the deepest trench in the sea, where no ordinary man can enter… Only the one that possesses the gift can enter.]

Silver Beings: They're messengers that are specifically seen by those that are receiving the message. They are from Onyxia but only a few are left for Abaddon destroyed mostly all of them.